I look at my (now) trying to walk toddler and observe his delicate features, the overgrowing hairline resembling a mullet. His innocent inquisitive hazel eyes scanning the room, pointing to objects, babbling at me and I just marvel.
How has it been a year? How has it that the first, (dazed and confused-with-tiredness-mixed- in), few days of having him as a newborn to now? It has been an amazing journey second-time around, but these past few days he has gone from a baby stage to now being more independent in other ways (but still dependant in some ways – which I am clinging onto!) and it is true that they change so much in these past twelve months than any other time.
There will be massive changes to come I know, the potty training, the tantrums (!) and the lovely learning, independent stages, which I am in fact looking forward to.
This is where photography comes into play, I capture on average every two months since he was born his physical changes. To look back on some of the photographs I have taken in the previous months exemplifies that notion of always capturing those moments. Everyone has a camera, more so now that the cameras on phones are so good that we have that moment captured in seconds, and it is encouraged.
For me to have photographs professionally done can be expensive, time-consuming and for some unnecessary, but for most, it’s worthwhile, worth it, and very necessary, as you will look back in years to come and wish that I had taken the time to have my family’s portraits done, they are for me a true personal possession, I will treasure my favourites forever and will pass them on to my grandchildren and so on and so forth, so they can look back on past generations and see themselves within their families genes and I hope marvel at how times have changed, how people ‘used’ to look – it’s such a fantastic feeling.
But then that’s just me!
If you feel the same way and would like a portrait of yourself or your children, please get in contact at studio@shereebphotography.com
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