
Friday, 21 August 2015
Counting the days until we meet.
Loving you all these months.
Starting our lives together, forever.
The wait is nearly over.

There is a certain stillness during our pregnancy, amongst the craziness, the worry, the endless appointments, (and for some the endless feeling sick, tired, and sore), that during those moments we can marvel at what our bodies can create, relish in the feeling of wonderment at this tiny human that will be a huge part of our lives and to imagine holding our baby after all those months.

No more so than this mother awaiting the birth of her new baby, she isn't new to this, as being a mother to a teenager she has been well versed in motherhood already. This birth however will almost be starting anew. Excited is an understatement.

Love Life

Sunday, 2 August 2015
There is no wealth but life
~ John Ruskin


The beginning of life, the meaning of life and the one that begins yours. Your life will never be the same again. And remember, take one day at a time, don't think about yesterday, live today and tomorrow will be another day.

Beautiful Miss V, 13 days new. Loving life with her loving family, she is one very lucky little girl.